
Use this API to get the final verification result.


Please refer to the API Credentials and Authentication page for more detailed information

Table of content

In this page you'll find a detailed documentation about the following models:

Response Model

Here is a sample top-level response you'll get from this API

	"check_id": "12d62f80e15c1d50ff23db54",		
	"reference_number": "abc-123-FE13",	
	"check_time": "2023-01-26T08:13:00.454774",
check_idType: string, not_nullable
The unique identifier of the check. This identifier is used across IDWise systems to refer to the check and is auto-generated.
reference_numberType: string, nullable
This is a custom identifier you could attach to the journey when you start it and it will be available as part of the result graph. This is useful for example to link an identifier of the user in your system to the journey or journeys made by this user thus making it easier locate the user in your system after they finish the journey (this used to be called user_id).
check_timeType: datetime
The date time stamp when this check was finished. The format of this field is also ISO 8601 Date Time string.
final_decisionType: string (enum)
Is the latest decision so far. It will contain the system_decision (Complete or Refer) if there has not been manual review done. Otherwise it will contain the manual_decision (Approved, Rejected).
amlType: object, nullable
Holds the results of carrying out AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and background checks. If the journey is not configured with AML checks enabled then this element will be null.
See the following sections for details on the format of the aml elements

AML Field Model

Shows the applicant’s records over Anti Money Laundering (AML) databases if exist. Here are the attributes that constitute an aml element:

matchesType: array [object], nullable
Presents the list of matched records in the datasets for the applicant, each record of matches has the following sub-elements
Check the AML Match Model for detailed information.
ongoing_monitoring_enabledType: bool
Represent if ongoing monitoring is enabled or not.
last_ongoing_monitoring_updateType: string
is the last datetime when monitoring status was changed.
search_datetimeType: string
is the datetime when search was requested.

AML Match Model

nameType: string, not nullable
The name of the profile found in the associated database entry.
countriesType: string, nullable
The list of countries from the addresses and nationalities of this profile. It has the format of 2-letter ISO country code.
datesOfBirthType: string, nullable
Date in either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or YYYY ISO format.
notesType: string, nullable
datasetsType: array[string], nullable
The name of databases in which this match was found.
This could be one of the following values:

- Politically Exposed Person
-Adverse Media
-Regulatory Enforcement List
-People of Interest
-Disqualified Director
-Fitness Probity
aliasesType: array[object], nullable
Other names of the profile
addressesType: array[object], nullable
The list of addresses.
sexType: string, nullable
The gender of the person.
scoreType: float, not nullable
The search results are ranked based on a score included in the metadata. This score does not represent an absolute ranking of the matches but rather serves to order the search results and provide a relative indication of their relevance.
detailsType: object, nullable
The details field contains dynamic properties such as title, data, datasets, datasets_classes, and media_links. The type of these properties could be any of the following: string, object, or array.

The data property is dynamic and can contain any number of key-value pairs. datasets and datasets_classes are arrays of strings. media_links is an object containing properties like snippet, title, and url.

See full example here
resourceIdUnique Id for individual match. Used for whitelist and match status update.

Example for Details

    "details": {  
        "adverse-media": {  
            "title": string,  
            "data": { "Country": [string], "Date of Birth": [string] },  
            "datasets": [string],  
            "datasets_classes": [string],  
            "media_links": { "snippet": [string], "title": string, "url": string }  
        "pep-institution": {  
            "title": "Pep Institution",  
            "data": {  
                "Country": [string],  
                "Political Position": [string],  
                "Institution Type":[string]  
            "datasets": [string],  
            "datasets_classes": [string]  
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!