Flutter Installation
IDWise Flutter SDK is hosted on pub.dev
. Please follow the following steps to add the package to your project.
- Minimum version for flutter: TBA
- Android:
- minSdkVersion is 21 and targetSdkVersion is set to 31
- iOS
- Minimum deployment target: iOS 12.0 or higher.
Latest Stable Version
Please see the Release Notes for more details
Android Setup
- Add the following to your app-level
file located atprojectRoot/android/app/build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
buildFeatures {
dataBinding true
- Double check that
is added in your repositories, which is added by default if you create the new React-native Project.
repositories {
support Right-to-Left (Android)
Add the following
attribute in the application tag in your project’s AndroidManifest.xml file located at/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
for the right-to-left language such as Arabic, Urdu and etc.
iOS Setup
Add the IDWise
Plugin to your Flutter project by running the following command in the root project
flutter pub add idwise_flutter_sdk
Next Steps
- To start with the IDWise Standard SDK, click here.
Updated 5 months ago