React Native Installtion

IDWise React Native SDK is hosted on npm. You can use the dependency manager of your choice to add the package to your project. Please make sure to add the following config to your project.


  • Minimum version for React Native: TBA
  • Android:
    • minSdkVersion is 21 and targetSdkVersion is set to 31
  • iOS
    • Minimum deployment target: iOS 12.0 or higher.

Latest Stable Version

NPM Version

Please see the Release Notes for more details

Android Setup

  1. Add the following to your app-level build.gradle file located at projectRoot/android/app/build.gradle
android {
  defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true
  buildFeatures {
    dataBinding true
  1. Double check that mavenCentral() is added in your repositories, which is added by default if you create the new React-native Project.
repositories {


support Right-to-Left (Android)

Add the following android:supportsRtl="true" attribute in the application tag in your project’s AndroidManifest.xml file located at /app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml for the right-to-left language such as Arabic, Urdu and etc.

iOS Setup

Add the IDWiseSDK Plugin to your React Native project by running the following command in the root project

npm install idwise-react-native-sdk
yarn add idwise-react-native-sdk