iOS SDK Migration Guide

Migration Guide (v4.1.8 to 4.x.x)

This guide will help you to migrate from version 4.1.8 to version 4.x.x of the IDWise SDK.


We strongly recommend using the latest version of IDWise SDK. This ensures you always have access to the latest improvements, bug fixes, and security updates.


Please follow these steps to migrate to the latest version of the SDK:

  1. Go to terminal and navigate to project directory inside terminal. Run the following commands in the terminal one by one.

    rm Podfile.lock
    pod deintegrate
    pod cache clean --all
    pod update
  2. After doing above step, you should navigate to Pods folder inside your project's file structure hierarchy. You should see the below one:

IDWise SDK XCFramework

Instead of following

IDWise SDK Framework

  1. You need to change import statement for IDWise SDK in project's code files where you are using IDWise SDK.
import IDWiseSDK

Instead of following

import IDWise