Getting the Journey Summary

The journey summary contains the status of the journey and its steps. Which steps are concluded and no longer should be started and which steps passed or failed the checks.

You can enquire about the journey status at any time by calling getJourneySummary method as follows:

IDWiseDynamic.getJourneySummary(callback: { journeySummary, error in

IDWiseDynamic.getJourneySummary() { journeySummary, error ->
  // journeySummary contains the status of all steps and overall journey status 
IDWiseDynamic.getJourneySummary(onJourneySummary: (dynamic journeySummary) {
       print("onJourneySummary: $journeySummary")
IDWiseDynamic.getJourneySummary( {
  onJourneySummary(journeySummary) {
    console.log('onJourneySummary:', journeySummary);
  onError(error) {
    console.log('onJourneySummaryError:', error);
IDWiseDynamic.getJourneySummary( {
  onJourneySummary(journeySummary) {
    console.log('onJourneySummary:', journeySummary);
  onError(error) {
    console.log('onJourneySummaryError:', error);


The journeySummary object received in callback contains the following information:

journeyIdStringA unique identifier for the user journey.
isCompletedBooleanA boolean attribute that signifies whether the journey has been finished. Once a journey is marked as complete, it cannot be modified.
stepSummariesList of StepSummaryA list of StepSummary object, each representing a step in the journey. The provides information about each step and its statuses.
journeyResultJourneyResultResult and Status of the verification Journey as described below


StepSummary object contains the following information:

definitionStepDefinitionAn object that describes the step.
resultStepResultAn object that contains the result of the step.


StepDefinition object contains the following information:

stepIdIntegerAn identifier for the step within the journey.


StepResult objects contains the following information:

nfcResultNFCResultDetails for NFC scanning (If applicable)
recognitionDocumentRecognitionDetails of the document recognition
errorUserFeedbackCodeStringA code that can be used to indicate the error. All the error feedback codes can be found HERE
errorUserFeedbackTitleStringA title for the error message directed at the user, providing feedback in case an error occurs during the step.
errorUserFeedbackDetailsStringsDescription of the error message directed at the user, providing feedback in case an error occurs during the step.
hasPassedRulesBooleanIndicates whether the user has successfully passed the validation rules for the step or not.
isConcludedBooleanIndicates whether the step has been completed, either by passing all rules or by the user exhausting all retry attempts.
statusStepStatusEnum indicating the current status of the Step
extractedFieldsHashMap<String, FieldValue>Key-Value pair of the extracted fields from the document's OCR


NFCResult objects contains the following information:

facePhotoImageBitmap/Image of face photo from the Document chip
extractedFieldsHashMap<String, FieldValue>Key-Value pair of the extracted fields from the document's Chip scanning


DocumentRecognition objects contains the following information:

issuingCountryCodeStringCountry code of the issuing country
issuingCountryNameStringName of the issuing country
documentTypeStringType of the Document e.g. Passport, ID Document, Driving license


StepStatus enum has following possible values

NOT_SUBMITTEDNot SubmittedThe step is not submitted yet
SUBMITTEDSubmittedThe step is submitted and concluded
INCOMPLETEIncompleteThe step is incomplete, (only 1 side of document is submitted yet)
IN_PROGRESSIn ProgressThe submitted images are being processed


JourneyResult objects contains the following information:

completedStepsIntNumber of completed steps in the journey
interimRuleAssessmentInterimRuleAssessmentRepresents the current status of the journey rules executed up to this point, which can either, Failed or Passed.
interimRuleDetailsHashMap<String, RuleDetail>Key-Value map of all the Rules Assessment Results applicable. Offers detailed insights into journey-level rules executed up to this point.


RuleDetail object contains the following information

nameStringName of the rule, all rule name can be found here.
resultResult of the Rule AssessmentEnum for the combined Interim rules assessment result [Passed, Failed, CouldNotApply]

Rule Name

This table contains all the rule keys that exists in the interimRuleDetails

Rule NameDescription
same_subjectThe same person rule key.
under_ageThe under age rule key.
no_duplicate_applicantNo duplicate applicant rule key


FieldValue object contains the following information:

Rule NameTypeDescription
valueStringValue of the extracted field

Error Feedbacks

You can access the table of error feedbacks, which includes descriptions for each of the feedback codes on here