Simple SDK Usage

Requirements and Installation

Please refer to the following page for requirements and steps to install the IDWise SDK per platform

Sample Project

SDK Usage

The following are the methods you can use to interact with the IDWise Mobile SDKs

Importing the SDK into your file

You can import the SDK into your code file as follows:

import com.idwise.sdk.IDWise
import IDWiseSDK
import ‘package:idwise_flutter_sdk/idwise.dart’;
import {IDWise} from 'idwise-react-native-sdk/src/IDWise';
import {IDWiseTheme} from 'idwise-react-native-sdk/src/IDWiseConstants';
There is no need to Import SDK in Capacitor

Initializing the SDK

To use the SDK features, you have to initialize it first by calling the following method:

val clientKey = "<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>"

IDWise.initialize(clientKey=clientKey, theme=theme) {
    error: IDWiseError? -> error?.printStackTrace() 
let clientKey = "<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>"
let theme = IDWiseTheme.systemDefault //[.light, .dark, .systemDefault]

IDWise.initialize(clientKey: clientKey,theme: theme) { err in
    if let error = err {
      	// handle error, show some alert or any other logic
String clientKey = "<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>"

IDWise.initialize(clientKey,theme, onError:(error){
   print("Error in initialize: $error");
const clientKey = "<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>";

IDWise.initialize(clientKey, theme, {
  onError(error) {
      console.log(' onInitializeError: ', error);
function error(error) {
   //error callback for errors occured in initialize
      "onError :",

var clientKey = "CLINT_KEYE"; //provided by IDWise
var theme = "SYSTEM_DEFAULT"; //available values: LIGHT, DARK, SYSTEM_DEFAULT

IDWise.initialize(clientKey, theme, error);

initialize method takes two parameters:

  • clientKey: A key used to authenticate your app with the IDWise backend. You can generate this key by following the instructions here.
  • theme: is an enum to indicate the theme (Light or Dark) to use for IDWise's UI.

Start a new journey

Once the SDK is initialized, it becomes ready to start an ID verification journey flow. To commence the flow, the SDK offers a startJourney method, as demonstrated below.

val flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
val referenceNo = "<REFERENCE_NUMBER>"
val locale = "en"

val applicantDetails = hashMapOf<String, String>()
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.FULL_NAME] = "John Doe"
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.BIRTH_DATE] = "2000-02-01"
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.SEX] = "male"

  context = this,
  flowId = flowId,
  locale = locale,
  referenceNo = referenceNo,
  applicantDetails = applicantDetails, //Optional
  journeyCallbacks = journeyCallbacks
let flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
let referenceNo = "<REFERENCE_NUMBER>"
let locale = "en"
let applicantDetails: [String:String] = [
            ApplicantDetailsKeys.FULL_NAME: "John Doe",
            ApplicantDetailsKeys.BIRTH_DATE: "1995-05-06",
            ApplicantDetailsKeys.SEX: "male"

IDWise.startJourney(flowId: flowId,
                    referenceNumber: referenceNo,
                    locale: locale,
                    applicantDetails: applicantDetails, // can be passed as nil If you don't want to pass any applicant details
                    journeyCallbacks: self)
String flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
String referenceNo = "<REFERENCE_NUMBER>";
String locale = "en";

Map<String, String> applicantDetails = HashMap();
applicantDetails["full_name"] = "John Doe";
applicantDetails["sex"] = "Male";

  flowId: flowId,
  referenceNo: referenceNo,
  locale: locale,
  applicantDetails: applicantDetails, //Optional
  journeyCallbacks: _journeyCallbacks);

var flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
var referenceNo = "<REFERENCE_NUMBER>"
var locale = "en"

const applicantDetails = {};
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.FULL_NAME] = 'John Doe';
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.BIRTH_DATE] = "2000-02-01"
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.SEX] = 'Male';

  applicantDetails, //Optional. Can pass Null if not needed

var flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
var referenceNo = "<REFERENCE_NUMBER>"
var locale = "en"

const applicantDetails = {};
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.FULL_NAME] = 'John Doe';
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.BIRTH_DATE] = "2000-02-01"
applicantDetails[ApplicantDetailsKeys.SEX] = 'Male';


This method takes the following parameters:

  • flowId: This is a unique identifier that identifies your journey flow. You can get access to all your flows from here .
  • referenceNo: (Optional) This parameter allows you to attach a unique identifier (such as a reference number) with the user undergoing the current journey. It's beneficial for connecting the journey to the user and/or the application that initiated it. You will receive this reference number in the webhook request.
  • locale: (Optional)This refers to the ISO code representing the desired language for the user interface components. Please reach out to IDWise Support for the list of available languages.
  • applicantDetails:(Optional) This parameter allows you to pass applicantDetails which is Information about the applicant. If you don't want to pass any applicantDetails then you can just pass nil. If you're passing applicantDetails then ApplicantDetailsKeys.FULL_NAME is a mandatory field and should be passed.
  • journeyCallbacks: This parameter is used to provide a set of event handlers to handle the different events that are triggered from IDWise SDK. These events indicate the lifetime of a journey and provide opportunity for your application to react to certain journey events.This is the object for callback events. These events are described below:

Journey Callbacks/Delegate

During the journey, you can subscribe to these events to get the updates:

val journeyCallbacks = object : IDWiseJourneyCallbacks {
        override fun onJourneyStarted(journeyStartedInfo: JourneyStartedInfo) {
          Log.d("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyStarted $journeyStartedInfo")
         override fun onJourneyCompleted(journeyCompletedInfo: JourneyCompletedInfo) {
             Log.d("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyCompleted $journeyCompletedInfo")
        override fun onJourneyResumed(journeyResumedInfo: JourneyResumedInfo) {
             Log.d("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyResumed $journeyResumedInfo")
        override fun onJourneyCancelled(journeyCancelledInfo: JourneyCancelledInfo) {
             Log.d("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyCancelled $journeyCancelledInfo")
        override fun onError(error: IDWiseError) {
            Log.d("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onError $error")
extension ViewController:IDWiseJourneyCallbacks {
   func onJourneyStarted(journeyStartedInfo: JourneyStartedInfo) {
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyStarted")
   func onJourneyCompleted(journeyCompletedInfo: JourneyCompletedInfo) { 
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyCompleted")
   func onJourneyResumed(journeyResumedInfo: JourneyResumedInfo) {
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyResumed")
   func onJourneyCancelled(journeyCancelledInfo: JourneyCancelledInfo) {
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onJourneyCancelled")
   func onError(error : IDWiseError) { 
       print("IDWiseSDKCallback", "onError \(error.message)")
IDWiseJourneyCallbacks _journeyCallbacks = IDWiseJourneyCallbacks(
    onJourneyStarted: (dynamic journeyStartedInfo) {
      print("IDWiseSDKCallback: onJourneyStarted, $journeyStartedInfo");
    onJourneyCompleted: (dynamic journeyCompletedInfo){
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback: onJourneyCompleted: $journeyCompletedInfo");
    onJourneyCancelled: (dynamic journeyCancelledInfo) {
        print("IDWiseSDKCallback: onJourneyCancelled: $journeyCancelledInfo");
    onJourneyResumed: (dynamic journeyResumedInfo) {
      print("IDWiseSDKCallback: onJourneyResumed, ${journeyResumedInfo["journeyId"]}");
    onError: (dynamic error) {
      print("onError $error");

const journeyCallbacks = {
  onJourneyStarted(journeyStartedInfo) {
    console.log('onJourneyStarted:', journeyStartedInfo);
  onJourneyResumed(journeyResumedInfo) {
    console.log('onJourneyResumed:', journeyResumedInfo);
  onJourneyCompleted(journeyCompletedInfo) {
    console.log('onJourneyCompleted:', journeyCompletedInfo);
  onJourneyCancelled(journeyCancelledInfo) {
    console.log('onJourneyCancelled:', journeyCancelledInfo);
  onError(error) {
    console.log('onError:', error);
const journeyCallbacks = {
    onJourneyStarted(journeyStartedInfo) {
      console.log(`Journey Started with id ${journeyStartedInfo.journeyId}`);
    onJourneyResumed(journeyResumedInfo) {
      console.log(`Journey Resumed with id ${journeyResumedInfo.journeyId}`);
    onJourneyCompleted(journeyCompletedInfo) {
      console.log(`Journey Fininshed with id ${journeyCompletedInfo.journeyId}`);
    onJourneyCancelled(journeyCancelledInfo) {
      console.log(`Journey Cancelled with id ${journeyCancelledInfo.journeyId}`);
    onError(error) {
        "Event onJourneyError received:",

Journey call-backs are detailed below:

  • onJourneyStarted: This event is triggered when a user's journey begins. It serves to notify your application that the process has been initiated. Useful for logging or implementing any preparatory actions necessary for the journey.
  • onJourneyResumed: This event is triggered when a user's journey begins. It serves to notify your application that the process has been initiated. Useful for logging or implementing any preparatory actions necessary for the journey.
  • onJourneyCompleted: This callback is activated upon the completion of a user's journey. It signifies that the user has successfully navigated through all steps and finished the process. This is typically where you would implement any code required to handle the completion of the journey.
  • onJourneyCancelled: This is applicable for simple SDK, and not applicable for the dynamic SDK.
  • onError: This event is triggered whenever an error occurs during the journey, enabling your application to address any unexpected issues and ensure a seamless user experience. Refer to this page for a full list of possible errors.

The JourneyStartedInfo object has the following properties:

journeyIdStringThe journey id that created by calling startJoruney method.

The JourneyResumedInfo object has the following properties:

journeyIdStringThe resumed journey id

The JourneyCompletedInfo object has the following properties:

journeyIdStringThe completed journey id

The JourneyCancelledInfo object has the following properties:

journeyIdStringThe canceled journey id

Resuming a Journey

If you want to resume an unfinished journey, you can do so as below:

val flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
val locale = "en"
val journeyId = "<journeyId>"

  context = this,
  journeyId = journeyId,
  flowId = flowId,
  locale = locale,
  journeyCallbacks = journeyCallbacks
let flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
let journeyId = "<YOUR_JOURNEY_ID>"
let locale = "en"

 IDWise.resumeJourney(flowId: flowId,
                      journeyId: journeyId,
                      locale: locale,
                      journeyCallbacks: self)
String flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
String locale = "en";
String journeyId = "<JOURNEY-ID>";


var flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
var journeyId = "<JOURNEY_ID>";
var locale = "en"


var flowId = "<FLOW_ID>"
var journeyId = "<JOURNEY_ID>"
var locale = "en"

IDWise.resumeJourney(flowId, journeyId, locale, journeyCallbacks);

This method takes the following parameters:

  • flowId: This is a unique identifier for your journey flow. The flowId must match the flowId from which the journeyId was created. You can access all your flows from here .

  • journeyId: This is a unique identifier that identifies your journey and it can be used to resume. This is received in the implementation of IDWiseSDKJourneyDelegate interface in onJourneyStarted method when you started the journey the first time.

  • locale :(Optional) Language code of the language to be used to display the journey user interface. This is either an ISO 639-1 (2-letter for example en) or IETF BCP 47 (2-letter plus extended language specified for example zh-HK or zh-CN)

  • journeyCallbacks: This parameter is used to provide a set of event handlers to handle the different events that are triggered from IDWise SDK. These events indicate the lifetime of a journey and provide oppurtunity for your application to react to certain events.

    Once journey resumes from the backend, the onJourneyResumed callback from IDWiseJourneyCallbacks will be Invoked.