Guide to Retries & Error Handling
This guide provides a generic overview of the retries and error handling mechanisms implemented across all IDWise SDKs (Simple, Dynamic) and APIs. Understanding these concepts is crucial for developers integrating IDWise into their applications, ensuring a smooth user experience and optimizing conversion rates during the ID verification journey.
ID Verification Journey
The ID verification journey in IDWise consists of a sequence of steps (e.g. ID document, and Selfie), each designed to verify different aspects of a user's identity. These steps are critical for verification process, ensuring users are who they are saying they are.
The Concept of Retries
Retries are essential for improving the user experience in the ID verification process. IDWise SDKs provide users with clear error feedback (e.g Document expired, Image not clear, ..etc) and the opportunity to retry a verification step when errors occur, reducing false rejections and increasing overall success rates.
How Retries Work
Retries are applied at the ID verification step level (ID document, or Selfie step). Each step in the verification journey allows users a certain number of attempts to correct errors and successfully complete the verification step. if a user reach to the maximum number of attempts the step will be considered as concluded.
Concluding a Step: A step is considered concluded under two conditions:
- Successful Submission: The user completes the step successfully without any errors.
- Maximum Retry Limit Reached: The user reaches the maximum number of allowed retries without a successful outcome. By default, users are granted two attempts for each verification step. This balance is carefully chosen to enhance user experience by providing a second chance for correction, while also maintaining high conversion rates by minimizing drop-offs due to repeated failures.
Errors like ID-Selfie face match do not trigger retries; if face match fails but other checks pass, the journey continues.
User Error Handling
Error handling in Dynamic SDK is designed to give users clear, actionable feedback, guiding them through any issues encountered in the verification process. With this structure, users can understand and resolve errors, improving the verification flow.
Error Feedback Codes and Messages
Each error includes three main feedback elements:
- User Feedback Code: A technical identifier for the error, provided by the SDK.
- User Feedback Title: A concise, user-friendly description of the error.
- User Feedback Details: Detailed guidance to help users resolve the error.
These feedback elements are part of the step result model, making it easy to pinpoint issues and offer users solutions.
Handling Errors in the Dynamic SDK
For developers using the dynamic SDK, error feedback is accessible via the onStepResult
callback. This callback provides information about any errors encountered and the isConcluded
status, indicating if the step can be retried. If isConcluded
is false
, prompt the user to retry the step using IDWiseSDK.startStep(stepId)
. This approach ensures a seamless, user-centered experience in ID verification.
Updated 4 months ago